
Abderrezzak BOUHALISSA


En résumé

During 20 years , I am in charge to hold a several positions, as followings :

- Plant Manager
- Project manager
- Technical and Project Manager

Sectors :

- Food manufacturing --- > From Raw Material to finish product ensuring by support activities : Process , sub process , utilities,finance , account , perfect knoweldge legislation, bank , customs ,etc...

- Pharmaceutical manufacturing --- > From Raw Material to finish product ensuring by support activities

Backgroud : Process , sub process , web Plant : SCADA and DCS.

- Minerals waters and beverage

I a cover all aspect of running the production plant

- headcount
- finance ,
- implement the strategy to get a great position in the market ,full P&L
- QHSE ,
- Supply Chain ,
- full Knoweldge regarding the quality SOP ,
- Engeneering and Manufacturing among others with the overall aim of ensuring the continuous improvement of the productivity, efficiency, quality and utilities of the plant ,
- Make and split to my teams the KPI (Key performance indicator ) in order to get the aim
-Make a different report daily , monthly and quaterly of all departements
- Make a dashboards

- use universal methodes to solve the ussues , as followings :

- Toyota , Maxer , Ichikawa and others

I have a management experience leading a site of 400 employees

i have an Excellent leadership skills and the ability to motivate and build successful teams

- i have a Good communication skills and the ability to manage senior stakeholders in the global organization

Project Management : Manage a several project with a global covering all aspects : engeenering and finance

-The amount of project is from 500 Keuros to 21000 kEUROS , complete line process

- Refinery 300 Tonnes /day
- Complete line soap : 130tonnes /day
- Treatment water and waste water
- Conditionning and packaging line : 300 tonnes/day
- High and medimu voltage
- Plant Web : SCADA and DCS
- Reduction the cost of energy
- Manage 12 lines , thrée of them are asceptique : Minerals water and beverage

Mes compétences :


  • Manufacturing foods - Technical Manager and project Manager

    1992 - maintenant Project :

    Achievement of several projects :

    - 2 Refinery : capacity 400 t/days , Capacity of the 2nd 100 t/days
    - 5 lines packaging : 300 t/day , 2X 100 t/day , 2X150 t/day
    - 16 blowing machines : PET , HDPE , LDPE
    - A lot of sub process unit
    - 04 unit generation power

    in the sumary : Project from 500 K$ to 1000 K$

    Technical Management :

    - Managing a several kind of production's unit :: refinery 300 t/DAY , 120 t/day of soap , 50 t /day of Shortenning , including a compltees lines of packaging with different capacity

    - Re-organization of 3 unit of production
    - Optimize a saving cost
    - hire a sevearl team and define the task of each them
    - Etc ...


  • Usine De Compiegne (Compiegne)

    Compiegne 2010 - 2010 LEAN MANAGEMENT

    LEAN MANAGEMENT - - Assimilé le plan directeur et le concept de LEAN MANAGEMNT
    - Application du programme Lean Mangement au niveau de mon usine
  • Ecole Michelin

    Clermont Ferrand 2009 - 2009 tenue de post de Directeur Technique

    Directeur technique - Formation sur site de Roche sur Yon et Tour dans le cadre de la prise du poste de Directeur Technique de la Multinationale.
  • Ecole Michelin

    Clermont Ferrand 2009 - 2009 certificate of management's project

    Managent des projets - - Organisation des taches des projets
    - Affectation des ressources
    - suivi budget des projets
    - Alertes des derives
  • ENGEL (Schewtberg)

    Schewtberg 1997 - 1997 Certificate of tranining

    Plasturgie et management industriel - - Assimiler les techniques de plasturgie
    - Methode à adpoter pourle choix du Raw Material
    - Calcul du CRI
    - Mise en place d'une organisation de travail en équipe
  • Faculté Des Sciences Économiques Et De Gestion - Université D’Alger (Alger)

    Alger 1996 - 1999 Licence en Audit

    Audit et gestion opérationnelle des entreprises - Maitrise des outils de gestion :
    - Finance
    - comptabilité générale et analytique
    - Droit des affaires , commercial , fiscal , travail
    -Comment mener une mission d'Audit
  • Desmet Extraction (Bruxell)

    Bruxell 1996 - 1996 Managemnt of Workshop

    Raffinage - - Assimiler le concpet du processus de raffinage
    - Cibler les differents points forte et faibles du raffinage
    - Reduire le cout d'energie
    - Calcul du cout de raffinage
  • Institut National De Génie Mécanique (Boumerdes)

    Boumerdes 1986 - 1991 Génie Mécanique


Annuaire des membres :