

Marne La Vallée Cedex 2

En résumé

Après un parcours dans un environnement international, participer activement au développement commercial et au management d’une équipe au sein d’une entreprise locale, afin d’y partager mes compétences et mon expérience.


Administrative Assistant with solid experience and skills in communication. Experience acquires in an international environment. Specialised in workshops and events organisation. Trouble shooting and support come as a second nature as well as my efficiency the care I give to my work.
I demonstrated will and capacity taking more responsibility in project managements independently first, then coordinating a team from the Head Office. Responsible for prospecting and dealing contracts with service providers, giving in the objective and in the meantime supporting accurately/properly the administrative support for two different teams.


  • Nestlé - Senior Administrative Assistant

    Marne La Vallée Cedex 2 2000 - 2017  Support Administratif
    • Assistante administrative confirmée en français, anglais, italien
    • Maîtrise des outils informatiques MS Office, SAP, Opinio, Info Mapping, Concur
    • Grande expérience acquise au sein d’une compagnie internationale de l’alimentation, dans les départements d’ingénierie, d’architecture et d’unités stratégiques en marketing
    • Gestion des agendas, flux de courriels, réception, transmission et suivi du courrier
    • Gestion des déplacements, suivi des visas, comptabilisation des dépenses - Concur
    • Création et finalisation de documents standards, classement, archivage – Info Mapping
    • Responsable des achats, facturation, économat – « Purchase Requestor » - SAP
    • Coordinateur IS/IT pour les demandes de support, de matériels informatiques, accueil des nouveaux collaborateurs, départs et transferts

     Gestion de Projet
    • Spécialisée dans l’organisation et mise en place de conférences, séminaires, modules de formation en Suisse et à l’étranger, fréquence 8 à 12 par an, 25 à 100 participants
    - Travail de prospection, recherche, déplacement en Suisse et à l’étranger
    - Etablissement d’un budget, le respecter et le défendre auprès de son superviseur
    - Négociation avec les prestataires et fournisseurs
    - Mise en relation des différents intervenants
    - Création d’enquêtes, d’évaluation, consolidation des réponses – Opinio
    • Création, développements, maintenance de base de données
    • Projets de communication interne

     Communication
    • Elaboration, développements, mise à jour de projets de communication interne
    • Publication et diffusion sur différents supports pour la transmission des informations au sein de la communauté des ingénieurs du groupe :
    - Journal interne, 3-4 par an
    - Bulletin d’info, 1-3 par mois
    - Standards
    • Site intranet, Content Master - SharePoint, Teamroom, Nikita, The Nest


     Organised and coordinated workshops, conferences, trainings and department events, in Switzerland and abroad, from 25 to 100 participants – 8 to 12 per year.
     Provided support, managed travel arrangements, visas follow-up, finalised and input travel expenses, for the engineering and architecture departments for both Vevey and Orbe sites, team of 25 employees.
     Prepared and published information on different communication support such as various newsletters (3-4 per year), flash information, (1-3 per months), intranet platforms to dispatch information among the international engineer community.
     Organised regular engineers, corporate managers conferences up to ~80-100 participants. All events have been successful with very positive feedback from participants, presenters and management groups. As a result, number of subscriptions increased annually, thanks to our reputation to the sponsor executives.
     Implemented trainings on Opinio and improved realisation of surveys. Consolidated, analysed comments, and provided reports. Excellent feedback from line manager, engineers and participants.
     Restructured and improved newsletters, flash info, intranet platforms. Excellent feedback from department, chief engineers, colleagues and visitors. All objectives achieved within the deadlines required.
     Developed Sharepoints, Teamrooms, intranet platforms to file, share information between the international engineer community, to avoid memory saturation. Great feedback and recognition from the team, line manager, and visitors for jobs well done.
     Set up a global database network for engineers. This provides a feedback tool to connect the engineer organisation. Great tool for information, exchange and connection to worldwide corporate managers for maintaining updates, plans, and a method to complete deadlines. Excellent feedback and thanks from all line managers and team members on job well done.
     Drawn up a specialised dictionary in English/French/German/Italian focused on technical/construction terms. A useful tool to clarify instructions in an international environment of construction experts. Very good feedback from colleagues, especially from incomers.


  • Ecole Athéna (Lausanne)

    Lausanne 1990 - 1991 Secrétaire de Direction


Annuaire des membres :