


En résumé

Manager avec une mobilité totale, trilingue, capable d’influencer au niveau senior.
Ayant une solide expérience commercial “B2B”, B2C, Marketing et Informatique.
Ouvert d’esprit, Orienté résultats & équipe, Expérimenté en développent des ventes et profit dans les marchés émergents, management de « business unit », équipes de vente, Gestion de grand compte internationaux et négociation de contrats,
Habituer à travailler dans les environnements multiculturelle / multinational.

Mes compétences :
Sales manager
Key account manager
Paint & Coating
Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Franchise Management
Business Unit Management
Business Development
Développement commercial


  • SKF - Country Sales Manager Algeria

    Montigny-le-Bretonneux 2016 - 2019 Responsable du bureau de liaison d'Alger
  • AMIMER ENERGIE - Sales Director

    alger 2013 - 2015 Industry: Power Generation Plant & Gen-Sets (Engineering, Productions, Installation, Maintenance).
    Activities & Responsibilities: Managing the entire sales & Marketing on AMIMER Group composed of Six Subsidiaries.
  • ACTIVACOM - Consultant & Deputy Chief Executive Officer

    2013 - 2013 Industry: POS, Communication and Publicity article production.
    Short duration contract (consultancy) that allows me to reinforce my knowledge related to the production of POS.
    Reviewing all operational aspects of the company, acting as DCEO to increase Productivity, sales, product
    Quality and cost saving management in addition of all aspects linked to efficiency and customers' satisfaction.
    Served with a great success customer campaign and need's as Coca-Cola, Ifri, CEVITAL, DJEZZY, OoredoO ...etc.
  • PPG Industries - Architectural Coating Director

    Rueil-Malmaison 2011 - 2013 Activities & Responsibilities: Architectural coating division (Paint and coating) Head.
  • AkzoNobel - Country Sales Manager

    Thiverny 2011 - 2011 Industry: Paint & Protective Coating - Fireproofing Coating.
    Activities & Responsibilities: Introducing the company to the Algerian market.
    Key Achievement: Shortlisted International Paint on Market Key Actors Suppliers list.
    Introduce & prescript (Technically) AKZONOBEL products & solutions on :
    * Government institution as SONATRACH, ENGTP, NAFTAL, etc.
    * Market Key actors as SAIPEM, BONATTI, DAEWOO and SAMSUNG ENGENEERING ...etc.
    * Major coating Applicators as KAEFER, KYB, PRESIOZO, SID and TRAVOMED ...etc.
  • Samsung Electronics - Home Appliances Sales & Marketing Manager

    Saint-Ouen Cedex 2010 - 2011 Activities & Responsibilities: Manager of the Home appliance Division on SAMSUNG Electronics Liaison Office, Algiers;
  • Royal Dutch Shell - B2B Manager

    Paris 2006 - 2010 Activities & Responsibilities: In addition of coaching, supporting and leading the B2B Team,
    * Managed Key accounts and market Key Actors (Gold & Platinum Accounts).
    * Launched the up-sell project for the Engine family lubricant & greases (API CD to API CH4).
    * Launched the industrial segment family products in Algeria (Cements, Steel, Mining, Manufacture ...etc.)
    Other Responsibilities :
    * IT & HSSE Focal Point for all Shell Algiers team. ;
    * Project leader for the UMOJA project (Shell Information System).
  • PROMEUBLE SARL - Head of IT Sales department

    2003 - 2005 Manager of the it DEPARTMENT
    * Started and launched the sales activity ( all IT & office equipments )
    * Prospected and closed suppliers for local representations (world famous brands) for distribution contract.
    * Introduced The Company into the IT equipment market on B2B & B2C.
  • XEROX - Key Account Manager

    Saint-Denis 2003 - 2006 Activités & Responsabilités :
     Cross-sale & up-sale des solutions et services XEROX®.
     Gestion et développement du portefeuille clients.
     Assurer une Couverture Géographique correcte.
     Veuille concurrentielle & analyse du marché.
     Negotiation and closing de contrats.
     Support Technique pour toute l’équipe commerciale (IT solutions for XEROX®).
     Gestion et suivis d’appels d’offres spécifiques (ceux qui nécessitent des connaissances avancé en informatique).
  • E.V.S.M - Analyst

    1999 - 2003 Activities & Responsibilities : Managed the entire IT department
    * Developed of all company software's (all management systems). ;
    * Installed & Administrated the Local Company Network (Intranet under Windows NT4.0 & 2000 Server). ;
    * Managed IT equipment purchasing process for the company. ;
  • E.R.C.A GROUPE - Analyst Project manager

    1994 - 1998 Activities & Responsibilities: Manager of the IT department
    * Developed of all company software's (all management systems). ;
    * Managed the Company Mainframe (Computer DPS6) for archive exploitation under "GCOS6 Computer. ;
    * Managed IT equipment purchasing process for the company. ;


  • CCF (Centre Culturel Français) (Alger)

    Alger 1993 - 1993 Software Programmer

    Merit : Very Well.
  • University Of Science And Technology HOURI Boumadien Bab Ezzouar (Algiers)

    Algiers 1992 - 1996 D.E.U.A, IT / Information systems.

    Merit: Well.
  • Institut National Des Industries Manufacturières INIM IE2-87 (Boumerdes)

    Boumerdes 1989 - 1992 Industrial Maintenance

    Merit : Very Well.


Annuaire des membres :