


En résumé

- More than 13 years of experience in Oil & Gas industry planning:
o Project Construction: EPCC with Total E&P Congo, KBR in Qatar and Algeria, PETROFAC UAE, CNPC China, SARPI Algeria.
o Operations : Total E&P Angola
- Effective communication skill in both horizontal and vertical organization , as well as External ( Client, subcontractors)

Mes compétences :
Procédure, Méthodologie de planification
Planification & Conduite de projets
Project Control
Pilotage de projets
Primavera P3 P5 P6
Amélioration continue
Microsoft Excel
Deviation analysis
responsible for organization
creating management
Quality Management
Progress analysis
Primavera P3
Primavera Management
Onshore Oil & Gas
Offshore Platform
Offshore Oil & Gas
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Master Scheduling
Develop the formats
Develop a CPM program
Develop EPSCC schedule


  • TOTAL E&P Congo - PLanning & reporting Engineer :

    2012 - 2016 - Develop & update different division plannings according to affiliate goals
    - Participate at different coordination meetings for integrated plannings
    - Ensure the revival of the business-in charge to guarantee the follow-up of the achievements of these plannings
    - Follow up regularly the status of projects
    - Identify the significant deviation and advise the business manager
    - Identify the different types in Internal clash’s (Co-activities) e.i POB constraints as well as external Entities: Drilling activities, Operations activities, Logistic Activities & Procurement Activities. Provide the alternatives solutions to the management.
    - Perform KPI’s calculation:
    - Perform all reporting activities
    - Train the local engineers to use planning software and project control methodology
  • PETROFAC INTERNATIONAL UAE LTD. - SR PLANNING ENGINEER-South Yoloten Gas Field development Project-Turkmenistan

    2011 - 2012 South Yoloten Gas field development Project – Turkmenistan.
    20’’ Export pipe line - 120 KM with HDD (River crossing)
    - Approve the base line schedule from subcontractor according to client miles stones
    - Prepare the Project control procedure
    - Follow and check all the submitted reports (daily, weekly and monthly basis : quantities, manpower, equipment…) form subcontractors
    - Prepare analysis report weekly and monthly basis, (productivity, efficiency, deviation)
    - Follow the updated schedule, resources.(Quantities , Man-hours)
    - Organize planning meetings with subcontractors
    - Assist and train the local engineers for planning and project control.
  • TOTAL E&P Angola, - Ingénieur planning , DB17-Exploitation

    2008 - 2011 - In charge of the block 17 Operations Planning
    - Collect all relevant informations from various departments and services, onshore and offshore, and submit the dedicated planning tool.
    - Identify/anticipate all conflicts and clashes between activities (means and meaning);
    - Ensure that Block 17 planning is updated & communicated in time to Affiliate Division Planning
    - Ensure that all informations are correct; relevant and with required level of details for the different type of planning, ie 5 weeks, 3 months, 18 Months;
    - Participate actively to all planning meetings and any others meetings bringing valuable information.
    - Produce and put in place the new planning procedure with the main parameters of data treatment clearly defined.

    2007 - 2008 - Prepare baseline schedule.
    - Prepare master, Level 3 & level 4 schedule.
    - Prepare resource histogram of project staff, manpower and plant & equipment.
    - Prepare manpower mobilization plan
    - Prepare latest forecast plan as per latest forecast quantity.
    - Update schedule (Engineering, Procurement, construction : resources & progress using the Cost center concept)
    - Prepare Weekly and monthly report,
    - Check the daily report submitted by area planner
    - Check the monitoring for updating schedule
    - Generate the 3WLA, 1MLA, 3MLA, & 6MLA schedule with dedicated manpower curve,
    - Control the progress (Planned vs. Achieved : Period, Project todate)
    - Prepare analysis reports. (Efficiency & Productivity report, delay analysis report, etc).
    - Supervise planning team
  • Société Algerienne de la réalisation des projets industriels SARPI ( Sonatrach & ABB) - Planner & Cost control

    2006 - 2006 Gas Compression Unit - Rhoud Nouss – Hassi Messaoud.

    - Project Supervising : Analyses of progress deviation using Primavera and Excel
    - Raise the stat summary and bulletin board for evaluation of activity
  • China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation - Ingénieur planification pour le projet TOPPING CONDENSATE PROJECT.

    2006 - 2007 - Develop EPSCC schedule ;
    - Prepare the resource histogram of project staff, manpower and plant & equipments.
    - Develop a CPM program along with a network logic diagram to the details of level 4
    - Develop the formats for project M & W reports.
    - Develop the progress monitory system (PMS).
    - Coordinate with all involved departments : oUpdate the engineering activities with the coordination of engineering department weekly and monthly bases, o Follow up the procurement activities with procurement department and update the status of PO , RFQ, inspection activities and material deliver status and material at port status, o Update the Construction progress as per provided data from site construction,
    - Update the Overall Project Progress ;
    - Review the schedule based on updated progress Phases
    - Submit the formal status of the project progress & achievement vs BL project plan ,
    - Submit the deviation analysis report based on updated progress.
  • Entreprise National de Genie Civil et Batiment, ENGCB , Filiale Sonatrach - Ingénieur de suivi, Chef de département technique PI, Chef de projet PI

    2004 - 2006 - Design the annual Financial and construction plan using Primavera.
    - Project Supervising: Analyses of progress deviation.
    - Prepare and verify the plans of execution of the contract (personal, material, provision) for the different projects.
    - Raise the stat summary and bulletin board for evaluation of activity.
    - Participate at the development of work methods and procedures.
    - Deputy Technical Department manager.
    - Deputy project Manager.
    - QA/QC correspondent.
  • Société de construction et de Maintenance Industrielle ICM - Chargé d'études

    2002 - 2004 - Project supervisor “Renovation of Chlorine Soda Unit” ENIP-CP1K.
    - Establishment of daily project reports.
    - Progress supervisor
    - Deviation analysis.
    - Participate at Technical offers establishment
  • Entreprise de Menuiserie de Skikda EMS, Ex SNLB - Cadre chargé de l'organisation et de la mise en place de la cellule de contrôle de gestion

    2000 - 2002 - Performance indicators calculation (Monthly progress Reports)
    - Deviation analysis.
    - Progress analysis (Products, Expenses, Results).
  • Centre universitaire de Skikda, Ecole de formation Paramédicale - Enseignant Cours et TD

    2000 - 2002


  • Sonatrach (Boumerdes)

    Boumerdes 2005 - 2005 Maitrise Primavera 3

    Primavera P3 V3.1.
    2004: Training: (Training Center Sonatrach OSL -Hassi R'mel).

    ``Introduction to Quality Management System''.

    Perfect mastery of: P3, P6 (Primavera)
    Others: Word, Excel, Power Point,

    Alger 1993 - 1998 statistique


Annuaire des membres :